Monday, October 17, 2005

Prayer Requests For Coach Sam

I have way too much going on this week... And I'm feeling the pressure of over-commitment. I took a light day, a day of rest yesterday. And I was greatly inspired by Dr Charles Stanley's sermon yesterday morning. Among other things he encouraged believers to get to bed early so they could wake up early and spend time with God in the morning...

Of course, that's part of normal routine anyway. But I've been very short on sleep for weeks. So I'm quite a bit behind in the sleep department. Well, this morning I had set my alarm for 3:45 AM to get up and pray. My alarm went off faithfully, and I started praying, but accidentally fell back to sleep. To make matters worse, I overslept and now I have to cancel my 8 AM group tennis lesson. Now, not only have I let God down, I've also let down four country club ladies, too... I'm not sure which is worse. I never want to offend God, But I DO KNOW HE WILL FORGIVE ME....

We're getting very close to the time to finalize this deal on our home at Columbia Lakes and there are still a few financial issues to iron out. We definitely need prayer in that regard. Then I have a big tournament at Columbia Lakes this weekend. I need prayer that all goes smoothly with that as well.

Dr Stanley said we'd have failures. I guess oversleeping is one of them... All I can do is ask forgiveness and try to do better. I'm not going to dwell on it because this is something that hasn't happened in about 20 years. So I won't be due to over sleep again until I'm sixty years old. I guess if it happens then I can just take early retirement!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I'm so sorry for falling asleep in my conversation with You this morning. I'm shocked and disapponted at my behavior. I know even some of Your apostles fell asleep on You at a crucial time once long ago. I don't even deserve to be catagorized with them but I know You forgave them. Lord, I ask Your Forgiveness. And Please help me with my schedule. Help me to say 'No' more often. 'Busy-ness' is the most effective fiery dart in the enemy's arsenal where I'm concerned.

I want to get caught up and stay caught up. I think moving to Columbia Lakes is one answer to prayer. Once we're there it will such a better life style for my family. Oh Lord, we long for that time. I pray that is Your will for me. Help me to be patient. Help me to be wise in my financial decisions. I feel I'm making the most important decisions of my life right now. The decisions I make now will affect my life and the lives of my family and many others for years to come.

I yield to You Father. You are the Lord of My Life. You are my King. My Savior and Redeemer.... Jesus, I love You. You have done such great things in my life. And because of Your sacrifice I can taste eternal life.

Lord I give these concerns to You. (The house, finances, my schedule, and the tournament...)

I will not worry. My life is safely in Your hands. I give this day and every day to You My Heavenly Father.

And I pray this prayer in Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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