Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not Feeling So Worthy Today...

Sigh... I'm feeling a little down today. I could use a dose of the Holy Spirit that I've been writing about. I've just been having too many negative thoughts lately. That's crazy, because I can't think of a time in my life when I've tried to be more in tune with my Savior than ever.

I'm reading The Word, I'm praying, I'm under the direction of several fine bible expositors... And I WANT to be Holy, Sanctified, and of one mindset and purpose: To Glorify God at all times with my life. But I just can't seem to keep my thoughts on Good and Holy Things. I'm getting angry and annoyed with people way more than I should... And that's not like me. (or is it..?)

I have this theory that every Christian goes through periods like this. It's called 'spiritual attack'. The Enemy is prowling about looking for Christians to devour. He lives to make us stumble. Well, I feel like I'm stumbling.

I'm just going to try to have some extra quiet time today. I mean REAL quiet time. Not prayer time where I do most of the talking, but LISTENING time. Maybe I'll hear that still small voice of the Holy Spirit for a change...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I love You. And this morning I claim Your promise to never leave me or forsake me. Holy Spirit, speak to me, guide me, lift me up, empower me with Your mercy and grace and wisdom and compassion.

Oh my King, I am so grateful for Your blessings. And I have been so unworthy. But Lord You came down from heaven and died for my sins, hallelujah....! I love You, Jesus. I praise and worship You.

Today I am still and quiet. And I wait for You my Redeemer.

In Jesus' name I pray,


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