Thursday, April 20, 2006

Developing a Hunger and Thirst for God

This is the title of the current series of messages Dr Charles Stanley is teaching on.

So, what are Hunger and Thirst..?

They are basic, built in human drives or cravings. When we get hungry, our stomach starts hurting. It even makes growling sounds. We get weak. We might get a head ache. Some people I know get really grouchy when they are hungry. (I'm one of them.) Our thinking may even be affected when we go without food for too long.

Thirst is much the same way. When we get thirsty, we crave water. Our mouth gets dry. If we go without water for too long our body starts over heating. Our muscles start to fail. Our thinking can also be affected when we are dehydrated. We really can't go without water for too long...!

Hunger and thirst are built in physical safety mechanisms that God has given us to remind us to eat and drink or we will die...!

My question today is this: Do you have a hunger and thirst for God like a hunger and thirst for food and water...? Because really, the end result is the same. If we go without a relationship with God we're going to die, too. (A spiritual death)

Think about how satisfied You feel after a nice meal, or a cool refreshing beverage on a hot day... Is that same satisfaction present after you hear a good sermon or have a good bible study?

Now I'm not trying to convict anyone here, I'm just asking questions trying to stimulate some thought processes. I'm not perfect, that's for sure.

I don't always have the same type of hunger and thirst for Our Lord Jesus Christ that I have for food and water. That's definitely something that I'm working on in my own relationship with God. If you need help developing a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior, I encourage You right now to pray to the Holy Spirit right for a true hunger and thirst for God.

I'll be praying right along side You and for You as well...!

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