Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Genesis 2:2

...And on the seventh day God ended His work which he had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done....

Dr Stanley explains that God did not 'rest' from His work because He felt tired and needed to recoup His strength, but because he had finished His creation and wanted to give us a model to follow. Rest is part of God's blessing to man. And not just Sabbath rest. I'm trying to watch the amount of rest I get during the week, too!

I realize that I've been rejecting one of God's greatest blessings to man: rest. And not only have I rejected rest, I've replaced it with busy-ness, which is a snare of the devil. But last night when I got home I did not even turn on my computer. I enjoyed a nice meal that Monica had prepared for me and then I spent a little time with the family and played with the baby before I went to bed. AND... I went to bed by 10 AM...! (I probably could have drifted off to sleep earlier, but 10PM is good) Then I slept in a little later than anticipated, but when ever that happens I'm ok with that because I know my body needs rest to function properly.

But now I've got to try to get all my work done in fewer hours... Oh well, it will work out. Another one of Dr Stanley's sayings is to be obedient and trust in God and leave all the consequences to Him...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I do trust in You. You have proven Yourself time and time again. You are the Creator. The Author of Life. You are the Great Promise Keeper. Lord I will not fear the future, the unknown. I will be obedient to You. I will walk in Your ways and You will lead me. I'm trying to rest more and be less busy. Help me to be consistent in that area, Lord.

Father, I'm trying to rest more. I'm trying to reduce my work load. I'm seeking to prune unproductive activities. I'm seeking to delegate more. I absolutely must be more efficient with my time. Time is another one of Your greatest gifts. I've rejected rest and wasted time. Please forgive me Lord. Help me to be a better steward of my time, rest, and money...!

Holy Lord, I pray for the family whom You are preparing to buy our house in Houston. Who ever they are, Lord. I lift them up. I pray that they come along quickly, but if they don't Lord I just pray that Your will be done in the matter. It doesn't seem that we need two houses, and I'd sure like to get out from under the burden of two mortgages each month. Help us sell that house and use the finances in a Godly way.

Thank You Lord for blessing my family and I so abundantly. You truly are an awesome God. Lord I praise Your name in the highest. And in Your Holy Name I pray...


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