Thursday, April 27, 2006

God's Word is an Immovable Anchor in Times of Storm

Because God loves us, we have no need to worry about the future. He has a plan not only for our lives, but also for every problem we face. Oswald Chambers said, "All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God..." Take time today to renew your trust in God and His ability to provide you the wisdom you need.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Here I've gone off again trying to do things under my own power... When am I going to get it right...? When will I just let You be God...? Dear Lord all my good intentions are getting me no where... I pay lip service to cutting back on busyness, but end up staying just as busy as ever. The truth is, I can't do it under my own power. I need You Lord.

And Father, I know You are capable of anything. The message I received today from my morning study is to just trust You. Lord I do trust You. I surrender to You, My King. I will put on my holy armor every morning when I awaken and fight the spiritual warfare that encompasses me daily.

Father I can only over come the Enemy with Your wisdom and protection. Thank You Lord for the book of Proverbs. Thank You Lord for great men of God like Oswald Chambers, Dr Charles Stanley, Dr Adrian Rogers, Dr Billy Graham, and many others whose lives have inspired me and continue to inspire me.

Lord today I intercede on behalf of my sweet wife, who is suffering the same busyness that I am, maybe in a worse way. Help me to help her. Help me to be strong for her. Right now many times it's the other way around. She's the one who encourages me and she's always seeking You, Lord. What an inspiration and helper she is, Father. Bless her, Jesus. And Thank You for blessing me with her...!

Father I lift up my stepson Connor, too. He's at a stage in teen age development where he's suffering motivational problems. He doesn't always give his best 100% effort to the tasks at hand. Help me to be encouraging and give me the correct words to empower him to want to do his best at all times in order to honor You, my King.

It's all about You, Jesus. Our lives, everything we say and do, Lord... It all should be pleasing and honoring to You. You smile when we seek You with a pure and gentile heart. Lord, my desire is to live a life that is free of busyness. I seek to live a life soley devoted to giving glory and honor and worship to You.

Lastly Lord, I want to lift up baby Elijah. He's almost 9 months old today. I plan to bathe him in love and prayer and offer him to You every day of His Life, Father. I believe he will grow to be a great man of God. I want to give him every opportunity to grow in You, Father. And for that to happen I must grow in You...! And Monica and Connor must grow in You. We can't allow ourselves to be too busy, too wrapped up in the insignificant details of life.

If we truly know You, Father, we will live life more abundantly. Jesus I seek You. I truly surrender to You. From this moment onward I am living a more surrendered life...! And I know I can only do it with Your blessing, and Grace, and mercy.

Lord Jesus, my family is under spiritual attack. This community is under spiritual attack. This country is under spiritual attack. This world is under spiritual attack. But Lord I stand in the Gap for them. I pray for Your people. I pray for the Lost. I pray that Your will be done, my King. The evil one shall not prevail here.

Lord I surrender it all to You. Sam Chadwell is nothing without the mighty God he serves. I can do nothing apart from You Jesus. But through You I can do all things. Lord I pray all this in the power of the name of Your holy precious son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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