Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life Principles

I like to study the bible in different translations. It's interesting how a certain passage can become more clear when seen through different lenses. We just recently got Dr Charles Stanley's Life Principles Study Bible and I can't tell you how much it brings the bible alive to me. This bible is in the New King James Version translation, but it has been edited with Dr Stanley's study notes. I have never had the bible explained in a more clear and precise manner to me. And now I've never been more motivated to read the bible cover to cover than I am right now.

I'm so inspired to share this that I plan to add a new routine to my prayer week. I'll still be in intercession every day, but I'd like to take once a week to summarize my personal bible study from the Life Principles Bible. I'll probably start with a summary this Sunday. I'm starting in Genesis...

Today I want to pray about a big hindrance in my life: Busy-ness. I've been struggling with Busy-ness for years. It's Satan's great stronghold in my life. Every time I think I've got this problem under control, the enemy throws more obstacles in my path. (and my wife's path, too).

I can feel God on one side of me and the devil on the otherside and they seem to be playing a tug of war game. My wife gently suggested to me that recently that I'm not fully surrendered to God. At first I was offended, but I've been thinking about it more and more and I believe she's correct. Too many times I still try to do it all under my own power. (and I'm never successful) I proclaim surrender with my words but still I'm not fully surrendered in my heart. I need heart surgery...!

Lord God,

Father I pray that You take this pride from me. My heart needs to be in a condition where it can be fully used by You for Kingdom Work. I am so busy right now that I am having very little impact on winning souls for the Kingdom. And that is Satan's plan, to render me ineffective. Help me prune. Help me be more organized. Help me to take care of business both at work and at home, dear Lord. I pray for my heart. I want to give every ounce of my strength for Your Glory. You are the Great One. You are the Savior of the world. I want to serve You completely, Jesus.

Help me to be a better delagator of work, not taking it all on myself. Help me to be a better steward of my time. Lord I am not worthy to receive anything. Yet I throw myself on Your mercy and ask these blessings in Jesus' Name,


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