Saturday, April 01, 2006

Prayer For An Angry Man

I had a difficult encounter yesterday. I was minding my own business teaching a tennis class in a residential community that I have taught in for nearly seven years when an elderly man abruptly comes on my court during the lesson and very heatedly tells me that I am trespassing. I tried to calmly diffuse the situation explaining that I was there at the request of the home owners and I have been teaching in his neighborhood for many years but he continued to be extremely hostile towards me raising his voice and becoming more agitated with each passing moment. The entire encounter lasted probably only 5 minutes but it was a very negative situation that ended with the man storming off saying he was going to contact the property management in the morning.

Perhaps God's intention for that encounter was to see how I'd respond to negative criticism. I believe I handled it as well as I could. And all I can do at this point is pray for that angry person. Indeed, I can also give praise that God showed me a new person for whom I could intercede.

Dear Heavenly Father,

God You are Good. I worship You and thank You and praise You for the life You have given me. While I don't always understand the way You move in my life, I do recognize that You are the God of my life and that You work all things for good to those who are called to Your purpose.

Lord, I'd like to think that I'm right in the middle of where You want me to be right now. If not, I pray that You continue to show me the path You have for me. Father I lift up that angry man who interrupted my tennis lesson last night. I'm not sure what was the real underlying reason for the anger that was taken out on myself and three innocent neighborhood youths, but I hope and pray that he overcome his anger and that he know the joy and peace of You as his personal savior.

Perhaps he's angry because he has no one in his life to pray for him. Maybe no one has prayed for him in a long time. Perhaps no one has prayed for him ever. I don't know his circumstance but I know that he needs You, my King. This entire world needs You. And how else will they know You if none takes the time to pray...?

Lord God, it is my prayer today that You turn this situation for Good. I pray that even now You are at work in the heart of that angry man. It would seem apparent that he has an extremely hard heart, but I am not judging him. You can melt a heart of stone. Lord nothing is too difficult for You. I leave this situation in Your mighty hands.

I love You Lord. And I give thanks and praise for another day to impact this world for You. I forgive for that angry man who was so rude to me, and I pray for the boys I was coaching yesterday who witnessed the encounter. I pray that it was not as upsetting to them as it was for me. I pray for resolution in this matter and Father God I pray these things in Your precious son's name, Jesus Christ.


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