Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Prayer For My Wife

Monica awakened early this morning feeling really bad with an upset stomach. We're probably going to take her to the doctor later if she's not feeling better by mid-morning. I want to lift her up today in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Father God You are the Great Physician. I pray for healing for my wife today, Lord. She is such a good and kind person. She's a great wife to me and mother to Elijah. It pains me to see her feeling bad. Ease her pain Lord. Comfort her. Allow her the rest her body needs to feel better.

I'm afraid she's just pushing herself too hard. She stayed up late last night working on a special project for me when she could have just gone to bed early. She's sacrificing her health to help me and the family.

Oh Lord I pray for Monica's recovery and an easy day today with Elijah. He was certainly a handful yesterday. Lord I know that You have numbered our steps. I believe that we are right in the middle of Your will for our lives. Father when set backs and sudden illnesses like this happen we don't get discouraged, we just look to You for strength, guidance, and healing. So her we are. And here I am, laying this burden at Your feet.

Thank You God for being a God of answered prayer. You are an Awesome and Mighty God. Praise your name, Lord Jesus. And in Your Holy Name I Pray, Amen.

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