Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Getting Back On Track

I listened to Dr Charles Stanley's message this morning. He spoke about the difference between condemnation and conviction. He spoke about the awesome grace and forgiveness Jesus gives to those who have given their lives to Him. It was a good message.

I've felt convicted a lot lately about getting out of my bible study routine. How, Why do I get off track so much...? I'll be rolling along for days, weeks, sometimes even months of diligent, fervant seeking the Lord, only to be derailed by circumstance and busy-ness. I honestly believe it's satanic, demonic attack. And my problem is that I keep trying to do things under my own power.

But I can never master my own circumstances apart form the Divine Master... When will I get that through my thick head...? The Answer: Never. Not as long as I keep trying so hard. I've got to just accept Christ's forgiveness and walk in the light with Him every moment. I've got to put on that spiritual armor every morning, first thing. And I've got to continually cover my family, relatives, and friends in intercessory prayer.

I like to go back in my prayer journal archives and see what I was praying about six months, a year ago, and beyond... It's interesting to see where I'm coming from or moving towards spiritually speaking. It's interesting to see the ebb and flow of my spirituality.

Anyway, I'm getting back on track...

Today I lift up my family, and I continue to pray for opportunities to share Jesus with the world

Father God, Thank You Lord for this life. Lord I pray that my life makes a difference in the salvation of others. I realize that every encounter is an opportunity, Lord. And I have no idea how You might use me today, but I am ready. I pray that given the chance to witness, that Your words will be on my tongue and in my heart....

I want to serve you and be obedient to You. I want to magnify Your NAME.... I love You Jesus, and I give this day to You, for Your will. For Your Glory, Amen.

1 comment:

Judy Ohlemacher said...

Sam, as always, I enjoy your honesty and thoughtfulness. You are so right. You must leave all in Christ's power and each day put on the armor of God. Otherwise everyday things will get in the way of spiritual things.