Friday, June 23, 2006

More on Forgiveness...

Ok... It seems that every time I turn around these past few days that I find a reference to forgiveness. Is that a coincidence...? I don't think so. It's truly amazing how God communicates.

Remember that the harsher we judge others then the harsher we will ourselves be judged.

Forgiveness is the key to success. AND It's doubly important that we forgive ourselves. I'm not good at that, either. But that's where my great big god comes in...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are a mighty and awesome God. You created the heavens and the earth. You can do anything. Father, help me to be more forgiving. help me to not be so critical of myself. I know that these burdens are hindering me from fully serving you. How can I serve others completely and witness Your Goodness when I'm carrying around a spirit of unforgiveness...?

Father God, thank you for speaking to my heart through commentary and sermons. Lord, help me to be more disciplined to read the bible daily. Help me to boldly proclaim that You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I love You Lord, And I pray these things in Your holy name, amen.

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