Saturday, June 24, 2006

Prayer for Connor

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I want to lift up my stepson Connor. It has not been easy for Connor this past year. He's lost his dad, and moved from two houses and changed schools twice in the span of just 15 months. But Father he's done remarkably well inspite of everything. and he's been a blessing to Monica, Elijah and I. Father God I thank You for Connor...!

Today he's traveling to Missouri to visit his grand parents from his father's side of the family. Lord I just pray for a safe trip for Connor. I pray for his Grandpa Kieth as he has to commute over two hours to pick Connor up from the airport. Father, grant traveling mercy to them all.

And then Lord I just pray that You just bless thier time together. Family time is special time. I'm glad that Connor will get to spend some extended time with family members that he doesn't get to see as often.

Lord Jesus I pray these things in the power of Your holy name, Amen.

1 comment:

Coach Sam said...

Hi Erin... I just spoke to Connor on his cell phone a few minutes ago... Kieth just met him at the airport... Tell your sweet daughter Alexandra that I said hello...

Bye for now,

Coach Sam