Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Morning Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I just praise You this morning. It's another beautiful morning and should be a bright, shining day. I thank You for just being the great big God that You are. For being the Creator, The Giver of Life... You are an Awesome God and Master of the Universe.

Today I'd like to lift up a friend who is making some big decisions very soon. Decisions that will affect his family, career, and the rest of his life. Lord You know who this person is. I just pray that the decision he makes is Your will Father, not his. I pray blessings on my friend and his family.

Lord, I'd also like to lift up some family members who need to know a true relationship with you, Lord. There's nothing that I'd like to see more than for my brothers John and Stan and my sister Becky to truly know a life saving relationship with You, Lord. And I pray that I am a constant good witness to that end.

Finally Father I'd like to lift up MYSELF that I make good decisions and occupy MY time in the pursuit of Godly things. I pray that I do not continually overload my schedule with 'busy-ness'...

And Father I pray that I am a good employer to those helping me part time this summer. I lift up Jeff, Josh, Brittany, Vanessa, Lance, Matt, Jake, and Kyle. Father, I pray that my very life and life-style is a witness. I love You above all things my King and only want to be Your faithful obedient servant. I give this day to You, for Your Glory. And in Christ's name I pray, Amen...!

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