Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Praise Report

Today I'd like to report that Monica and I are celebrating our third year of marriage...! Praise the Lord...!

It's so amazing how meeting Monica, falling in love, and getting married has changed my life...

When I met Monica I wasn't even really looking for a girlfriend... I was 35 years old and I was resigned to the fact that God had called me to be single. But Monica definitely is the one for me, and our marriage has truly been a blessing.

We've put God at the center of our marriage since day one and he's been more than faithful to provide for us along the way. We've faced some difficult times, but weathered every storm. The bible says that a rope made of three cords is not easily broken. And our marriage is testament to that.

Our marriage is symbolized by our wedding rings. Our rings have 3 interlocking circles, arranged sort of like an abbreviated version of the olympic symbol. But our 3 interwoven circles signify the three person team of Monica, God, and I...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I give thanks, praise, and all the glory to You, Lord Jesus for my marriage. I lift up my wife and family to You today. Thank You Lord for these blessings. You are a Great and Mighty God...! I love you, Jesus.

I pray that my marriage and relationship with Monica is an inspiration to others. I remember Lord when I looked around one time as I was in my early 30's, I realized that I didn't really have an association with one happily married couple. Not One. That's so terribly sad. You did not design marriage to be a burden, but a blessing.

Father God I pray continued blessings on this marriage and that You use our relationship to witness to others. Lord, please guard my wife and keep her safe. I do love and cherish her. I know that treating my wife well is honoring You. And above all else I want to live a life that is worthy and honoring you my Lord and Savior.

I realize Lord that everything I have is from you. Nothing is of my own. It's all yours Jesus, even my marriage. And again I just thank You and prasie You my King...!

I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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