Monday, July 17, 2006

Breaking Free

Tonight Monica, Becky, and I started a new bible study. It's called Breaking Free and it's authored by Beth Moore. It's all about growing closer to Christ and getting out from bondages that ensnare us.

I'm under bondage in several areas. One is 'busy-ness'. That's certainly no secret. I've been fighting that for years. Another area I feel where I'm under bondage is with regard to my diet. And I'm sure there's other strongholds I'm fiacing that I may not even be fully aware of...

Tonight I pray that this study will set me free, transform, and change my life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I'm seeking you like I never have before. I hunger for Your word, my King. Father I want to rid myself of these shackles that bind me and keep me from realizing my full potential in You. I want to be truly free from the snares of the Evil one.

Lord the bible never records any instance of You rushing around to get somewhere. You did Your thing in Your own perfect time. I want to manage my time better. Tonight I'm breaking my own plan to get to bed early. I've just had too much to do today... And I'm still behind... Now I'll be tired tomorrow, and the viscious cycle will just continue...

Right now I'm not even sleepy. There's just a restlessness about my spirit right tonight and there has been for a few days now. What is it, Lord...? What am I not getting...? What am I missing...? Help me to get my act together.

I want to be obedient to You. I want to follow You, Jesus. I want to be the Godly man you have called me to be. I want to raise up Elijah and Connor to walk closer with You than I ever did as a youth and young adult. Indeed, I see rearing them as my greatest calling.

Father God I humble myself before You. I give You praise and glory. And I pray these things in the power of the name of Jesus Christ,


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