Monday, July 17, 2006

Prayer For The New Week

Last week I concluded my journal with a discussion of getting more rest. I want to honor God with trying to get more rest. I won't be as effective for Christ if I'm walking around tired all the time. Well, I haven't exactly got into a routine, yet. Although I did rest a little bit this weekend, I'd still like to get on a routine of going to bed early and getting up early. Going to bed late and getting up early really wears on a body.

This morning I had planned to get up early and dive right in to my week, but I was so sleepy I just succumbed to sleep and didn't get back out of bed until nearly 6:45 AM...!
I did spend some time this morning laying in bed just thumbing through my study bible for a random nugget and I found a solid brick of gold...! It was life principle # 8 in Dr Stanley's study bible.

It said: Fight every battle on your knees and experience victory every time...!

Here Dr Stanley is implying to take our problems to God in prayer and God will listen to us. -Now that's some good encouragement to start off my day....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I submit to You today. I surrender my spirit. Work through me, Dear Lord. Conform me to Your image. Help me accomplish much today. I must be a good steward of the precious time You have allotted me.

Lord God I lift up my sweet sister Becky today. I've been rough on her. I've been witnessing too aggressively and fear that I may have caused more damage than good. Help me to be kinder, more gentle, and more observant of my sister's spiritual needs.

Father God, Lord I Love you. I give my life to You, my King. Watch Over me. Guide and lead me, Lord. I'm struggling and I need You.
I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. .


Judy Ohlemacher said...

Sam, witnessing is a fine art. Look to the example of Christ in the gospels. He was always tender and open-armed towards those who were in spiritual need. The only time he spoke and acted in an aggressive way was towards spiritual leadrs such as the Pharasees and Saducees of the temple who were misleading the people or the money changers who were profiting from people seeking spiritual guidance. It is human nature to execute tough love in an effort to move others toward God, but a gentle heart, kind words of encouragement, and a good witness through your actions can do much more than telling people what they need to do. Love, true agape love, is the method that will reap the most benefits.

Coach Sam said...

Hi Judy... Thanks for the advice and words of encouragement. I really appreciate that you read my journals and cherish your wisdom...!

In Christ,

Your son-in-law