Monday, July 10, 2006

Life's Too Short: -Thoughts from Ed Young, Jr.

"We don't like to think about it, but our existence on this planet is finite. We have just a few short decades to make our lives count..." -Ed Young, Jr.

I get a weekly devotional from and this week's topic really grabbed me. Ed's current, thought-provoking series reminds us that life is too short to fill our days, weeks, months and years with attitudes and actions that, in the grand scheme of things, are just a waste of precious time.

Time... Such a precious commodity. Something that I seem to have so little of...

My prayer this morning is that I manage my time well throughout today. -That I impact others for Christ with my words, thoughts, and actions.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Most High, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, hear my cry, Oh God: I am a sinner. I am weak and poor. Forgive my shortcomings, dear precious Savior. Among other things, I have wasted time. (Many times over...)

Lord I recognize how important this brief existence is. Time is such a precious gift. Help me make the most of my time here today. Help me to live a life that makes a difference in the lives of others. Help me to live a life that matters.

Thank You Lord for Godly men like Dr Charles Stanley, Dr Ed Young, and Ed Young, Jr. These men impact my life in a profound way every day. I lift up their ministries to you today, My King.

Thank You Lord for my precious family: Monica, Elijah and Connor. I am greatly blessed by their love. I lift them up to You, Lord. And I pray blessings on the rest of my family here in Texas and around the country. Father I especially lift up my sis Becky and her family today.

Father God, I love you. My day is going to be all about You, my King. Thank You for another day, for a little more time. I pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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