Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Waiting on God...

Dr Charles Stanley's current series is about God's timing. God is never early, He is never late. He is always right on time. Unfortunately, many times His time table is not my time table.

Right now in my life I'm waiting on God for some answers to some questions. I've been waiting for awhile now. I know I must be strong and wait on the Lord. I must be patient. I must be faithful.

I know that God is always at work behind the scenes preparing me, preparing others, and preparing situations. I know that I can't always see the progress. But I know God is an awesome God and He can do anything and will work all things for good. He stretches us but will not give us more than we can handle.

Praise be the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...!

Dear Father God, I put all my trust in You, my King. You are my Savior and Redeemer. Jesus, I need You today more than any other day. Hold me up, Lift me up. Get me through this day physically. Get me through this day emotionally, Lord. Help me to be strong and make wise decisions. Help me to be a Godly witness. Help me to be strong and keep waiting on you with eager anticipation...! I praise You, Jesus. You have favored me greatly and blessed me with the kind of life very few people have. I am so grateful for my sweet family. I am so grateful to be an American and live in a land of freedom. I am so grateful for time. I don't want to waste any of Your precious time. Help me to make the most of my time. Help me to be obedient and to do Your will, Lord. I love you and give this day to you. It's a big day, Lord. I have many new tennis students today. I pray for a good day of lessons. Keep me safe on the road this morning as I am very weary. I definitely need traveling mercy today..! Lord Jesus I pray these things in your holy name, Amen.

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