Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Martin Luther

Last night my family watched the movie, 'Luther'... For those of you not familiar with 'Luther' I'm referring to 'Martin Luther' the leader of the Great Reformation in the 1500's.

It was a good movie. From the research I've done it seemed fairly historically accurate. After the movie I had touble sleeping, though. I'm not sure it was the movie or the two canned cokes I had at dinner, but maybe it was a combination of both...

Anyway, today I feel more convicted than ever to address a problem that's been troubling me for some time. Sadly, I know many who 'believe' in God, but are dead in their spirit. These beloved are wrapped up in false doctrine, tradition, ritual, and live in ignorance of the bible.

I pray today that I am bold in my witnessing because the eternal destiny of people I hold very dear is at stake. Yet I pray that I am gentle at the same time because witnessing to believers of false doctrine is probably more difficult than witnessing to a non believer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I thank You and praise You for bold men of faith like Martin Luther. And Father thank You for convicting me with this desire to witness. Indeed Lord, knowing what I know about the Truth... How can I keep silent....? How can anyone keep silent...?

The fact is Lord, every road traveled does NOT lead to heaven.... There is only one way to salvation and that's through a divine personal relationship with YOU, Jesus.

Thank You Lord for going to the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I love You Jesus, and I recognize that everything I have is of You. I am nothing apart from You, my King.

I appreciate the witness of Martin Luther and pray for my own witness to others.

Father I give this day, I give this life to you. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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