Monday, July 31, 2006

Needing a little lift today...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Jesus I've already had negative thoughts today and I've only been awake a short time. Help me to control my mind. Help me to focus on good, pure, happy, thoughts. I don't want to dwell on the negative.

Father God, spiritual warfare is all in our mind isn't it...? How we interpret what is said, how we perceive other's motives, and how we react to these things is so complicated. Lord, you certainly made us complex creatures...! And I praise you for that, but Father I don't understand myself at times. How can a man who loves You and only wants to serve and glorify you stumble and fall so much..?

Father God, I feel that I'm sinning when I get angry. I want to be about patience, love, forgiveness. Today Lord I'm just asking for help with my heart regarding certain situations. (You know what they are...)

Help me conquer the battle of my mind, my King. Father I know that my random thiughts are keeping me from a closer relationship with You. Your Apostle Paul wrote about holding every thought in captivity. That's what I want to do, Lord.

Lord Jesus I know with you all things are possible. And I know You have called me for a great purpose and I am just floundering around at the moment missing my mark. Lord I need a little lift today. Lift me up, prop me up, help me get my feet on solid ground and allow me to be an effective witness for You once again. I lay this request at your feet, my King.

And in Your sweet, holy name I pray, Amen.

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