Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More about what I Believe...!

Scripture makes it absolutely clear. Eternal life is available to every person on earth. ...Whoever shall call upon the name of the lord will be saved....(Romans 10:13) 'Whoever' means 'any and everyone'....

Sickness, disease, and death are all bound to the world. But in Christ, everyone has already overcome the worst this world has to offer—even death. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. (1 John 5:4-5) -Our faith in the Lord Jesus and what he did for us saves us...!

As believers, we should be shouting this message from the rooftops! The people around us are longing for a word of life. But too many Christians have remained silent. Why? How can we keep secret what God went to such great lengths to reveal? We can live forever! Who in your life needs to hear this amazing truth today?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, let me speak 'Life' today. I pray for all my encounters today, Lord. Let me lift up others with good news and encouragement. Father I pray that my many conversation topics will be turned to spiritual matters. And Lord when that happens I just pray that the holy spirit work through me, a willing receptacle.

Father God I ask that You bless my journal writing this week. I know that I've never written about a more serious and important topic. And Lord I just pray that I be strengthened by this week's in depth study of the promise of eternal salvation.
My King, this morning I pray blessings over my family. Lift up, guard, and protect my sweet wife Monica. I pray that she awaken this morning refreshed and ready to have a good and productive day. I pray for baby Elijah that he play and learn and develope as a little one year old should. Lord, I thank You that this little baby will know a loving relationship with You through the environment he's growing up in. Who knows what Elijah will grow up to accomplish in Your Name...?

And Lord I lift up my dear stepson Connor. I pray that he grow closer to You. I pray that he would have a hunger and thirst for a better knowledge of spiritual matters and that he live his life out in evidence of his relationship with you.
And Lord I pray that I am an encouragement and role model in that regard and not a hindrance...!

Lord, thank You for my blessings. Father I just give this day to you. I love you, Lord. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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