Tuesday, September 26, 2006

If You Were Put On Trial For Being A Christian, Would There Be Enough Evidence to Convict You...?

Have You ever heard the old question if You were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to Convict You...?

Being a 'nice' person is not enough. Doing some good deeds is not enough. It's a 'heart' thing. Several men who have made a huge impact on my life in the past few years just have a certain peace about them. They exhibit a calmness. They exhibit a confidence. They exhibit an authentic compassion for everyone and everything going on around them. And they never seem to miss an opportunity to witness because witnessing is the priority of their day. It's their lifestyle. And these are not clergy men. These are lay men like myself. Wow, what an inspiration they are...!

Let me ask You this: How many times a day do you miss an opportunity to turn a conversation to spiritual matters?

For me, it's more than I would like to admit. My prayer today is that I become more bold for Christ. My prayer is that the entire world can easily, readily identify me as a Christian. Let my countenance reveal at all times that Jesus Christ is on my heart.

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord You are so Good. I can't believe the blessings that I continue to receive daily. And Lord what do I do for You in return....? Not Enough, that's for sure.

Lord, help me to be more like You. Especially help me in the area of patience. Father God, I know I miss many opportunities to take a stand for You every day in my interaction with others. Help me to do better. Help me to be like David, a man after Your own heart.

I love You Lord. You are working in my life right now in a powerful way. Thank You for the witness and encouragement of my sweet wife, Monica. Thank You for the childish innocence and the unconditional love of my sweet baby Elijah. Thank You for the blessing of church friends.

Clearly Lord, I have been singled out for special treatment. And I know that to whom much is given then much is also expected in return. Father I want to return these gifts many times over.

Lord I give this day to You. I give my life to You. And I pray these things in the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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