Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Now, On to Matthew 6:33

OK, we just finished a quick study of Psalm 3: 5-7 (Trust the Lord with all your heart...)

Here's another scripture verse that is rather a command:

Matt 6:33 Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you....

In this account from the apostle Matthew, Jesus is speaking to his disciples. You need to have a little background to fully understand what they were discussing. Here is the context of Matt 6:33...

Back in Matthew 6:24 Jesus is explaining about how we can not have two masters. In Matthew 6:26 He explains that the birds of the air are fed and the lillies of the field are clothed and since we are much more important to God than birds and flowers we should not worry about food and clothing. In fact, we should not worry, period.

The reason we should not worry is because... (and here's another cause and effect scenario) If we seek God first in our lives... If HE is our primary Master, then all these 'things' (food and clothing, etc...) will be added unto us. God will provide.

God's saying don't sweat the small stuff, I've got you covered if you make me number one in your life...!

That's' something to think about... I love God. But I do struggle with 'worry'.

I'm going to meditate and pray on that the rest of today.... SC

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