Friday, October 06, 2006

A Person Can Not Deny The Lord and Live Successfuly

The title of today's post was the first line in Dr Stanley's message yesterday. I'd like to comment on that a bit this morning.

First of all, I agree whole heartedly with that statement. Secondly, I think that many believers are denying the Lord and don't even know it...! (I've certainly been there)

How is that, you ask...?

Well for me, it's the age old adversary: 'busyness'.... I'll get wrapped up in what ever I'm doing and can go almost a whole day without acknowledging my Savior. I know many others; believers and non believers alike, who are living life at a breakneck speed. And for what...?

We kill ourselves physically and spiritually to pay bills and to acquire stuff. -That's the world today. Do we really need all the debt we have...? And the stuff... How much is enough...?

For Believers, we are convicted by the Holy Spirit when we are straying from God. (at least that's the way it works for me...) But I know that my 'busy' periods can never last that long before I come to my senses. I can't make it through the day without praying. When I'm disconnected from God, I'm having a horrible day. That's why the first line of Dr Stanley's narrative really spoke to me yesterday.

I also think that one reason God may place obstacles in our paths is to slow us down and to keep us dependant upon Him. If we refuse to acknowledge God, the obstacles may start coming... And if we continue to be stubborn and keep denying HIM, He may limit our success.

We serve a God who wants to bless us. He loves us. Why would we want to deny Him and live our life selfishly for ourselves...? Oh I've just about got it all figured out, intellectually...

But it's that darned flesh that keeps getting in the way....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for keeping me dependant upon You. Thank You for Dr. Stanley for preaching the Truth. Lord this message today is for me and it's also for everyone in the whole world. Father I pray for those who are too busy to pray today. I pray for those who are too busy to connect with the creator of life itself, the maker of the universe. I pray for those who are denying you right now...!

Father I pray that their eyes and ears be opened and their hearts be softened. Lord I have a few friends in mind right now who really need to know You as their personal Lord and Savior. I have many friends who would probably like to re-commit their lives to Christ right now...

Father God I don't want to name them here but You can read my mind, and You know my heart. Bless these dear souls Lord.

Oh Lord I know that I have been blessed. Thank you Lord. I'm not complaining about my life... And I'm trying to prioritize things... With YOUR help I WILL be successful. I know for sure that I have to start my day off with this journal. I have to start my day off with You, my God and my King.

I love You, Lord. And I give this day to you, for Your glory. Everything I do today I do through You and for You, Jehova.

Lord Jesus, I pray these things in the power of Your precious, holy name... Amen.

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