Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Prayer for Connor

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for Connor and the blessing and privilege of being called to raise him up. Lord he's growing up in such a different world than I did. Many times it's difficult to relate to issues and circumstances he's facing. And certainly I didn't have to face the loss of my father at such a tender age.

Lord help me to be the best step-dad I can be. Connor and I have been getting along better lately but there are still plenty of rough spots in our relationship. Connor's just at a difficult time in his life. He's on the edge of being a kid and a young adult.

Father God I pray specifically for Connor this morning in regard to his interest in video games. I know that we could just take them away, but that would only modify his behavior, it wouldn't change his heart. This morning I pray that he would completely lose interest in video games and spend that time in more wholesome activities and interaction with others.

Lord I know You have great plans for Connor to impact those in his world for You and it's up to his mom and I to raise him up to facilitate his contribution to Your Kingdom. Help us to be the best parents we can be. (Help me especially Lord because I think Connor's mom is already doing a good job)...

A stepdad-stepson relationship has got to be one of the more difficult relationships, Lord and I know I can't make things right on my own. So, I lay this at Your feet. I can't really accomplish anything under my own power, Lord. But I do know that through You I can do all things. In You I am a Winner and I will know Victory through You.

Again Father thank You for Connor. Help me to raise him up faithful and true. Help me to be the positive male role model he needs. Help me to be what his dad would have been to him.

Lord thank You for this day and for my life. I am not here for my own pleasure. I am here to love You, to worship You, to serve You and to bring You Glory, and to lead others to You. I am here for Connor and my wife and baby. By serving them I am honoringYou.

Thanks again for this awesome privilege. I love you, Lord. I give today to You, Jesus. And I pray these things in the power of Your holy name, Amen.

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