Monday, October 23, 2006

Why Are Things So Bad In The World...?

In times of difficulty, the Body of Christ has it's greatest opportunity to fulfill it's mission of which God calls us... And what is that mission...?

Go into all the world and preach the message of the Gospel to all creation.

And what is the message of the Gospel...?

The message is: God the Father sent his only son into this world to reveal the truth of the Father, to demonstrate His life, and to die on the cross in which HE paid the sin debt of the world in one act and as a result God has provided forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.

It is a simple message. It is THE TRUTH...! And it transforms a person's life...

Grace is the awesome message of the Gospel... And that should be the message on our lips to un-believers...

So what is the mission of the church, again...? -To carry the message into all the world, to make disciples of all men...

Are we fulfilling that mission....? Is First Baptist Church West Columbia fulfilling that mission...? Is Sam Chadwell fulfilling that mission....?

(Speaking for myself...) The answer is hardly, barely, not nearly enough...

Well, what am I going to do about that...? What are YOU going to do about it...? Ask God where you fit into His missions plan...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord your message is clear. You have called us to witness to the world. You want us out of our comfort zone and You want us to recognize the needs of those around us.

Oh Father I have been far too passive for far to long. Help me to be more bold. Help me to share my faith with others. Father when You open a door or window of opportunity help me to recognize and act immediately. My chance encounter with a stranger might be their only opportunity to ever hear the gospel.

Lord I'm sorry for all the missed chances. I'm sorry for all the God- ordained relationships that I've failed to make a difference. Father God. I want to do Your Will.

Thank You Lord for loving me so much that You died for my sins. The least I can do in return is give my life in service to You. Jesus You are my MAIN THING. Lord I love You. And I give this day to You.

In Your precious, holy name: JESUS CHRIST, I pray, Amen.

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