Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lifting Up Monica and Elijah

My sweet family is under the weather today... Elijah is very sick... He's got a runny nose and is having trouble breathing... (and sleeping) The doctor says he's got 'baby-bronchitis'...

And if you've ever had kids, you know that if the baby's not sleeping then no one's sleeping... And unfortunately, Monica is coming down with something, too. She's exhausted and has a fever too. Last night was particularly difficult for her...

Connor and I are holding it together for now... We're healthy and trying to help out as best as we can...

But today I just want to lift up the health of Monica and Elijah...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are the Great Physician and Healer. I pray healing blessings on Elijah and Monica today. May You grant them peaceful, healing sleep and rest this morning as they were up a lot last night. I pray Lord that the medicine they are taking will do it's work quickly and relieve their discomfort. Help Elijah to breathe better and bring down Monica's fever. Take away her feeling of exhaustion, Father.

Lord it breaks my heart to see my family suffer. I would gladly trade places with them.

Father God I do thank you for my family. I love them dearly. And I love You, Lord. You are the Giver of all Good things. You are my King, My Lord, and Savior.

I give this day to You Lord, and I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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