Friday, November 10, 2006

Prayer for Monica

Elijah seems to be doing a little better, praise the Lord...! Monica, on the other hand is feeling a little bit worse. Her fever is up and her sore throat is pretty bad now. And I have to confess that I'm getting a bit of a sore throat now, too...

I can't sleep so I'm just going to blog a little earlier than normal this morning. Whenever I awaken in the middle of the night, or early in the morning, (how ever you want to look at it...) I always feel that God's waking me up so that I can spend extra time with Him in prayer...!

I definitely need to pray for my sweet wife this morning. She is such a fine woman... She's one of the most kind, gentle, caring people I have ever met and she has touched my life in a way that has absolutely changed me forever. Right now, her passion for Jesus Christ is so amazing and inspiring. She is truly an inspiration. I suppose we sort of motivate each other in that way, but I'm here to tell you that I really believe my wife has been anointed by the Holy Spirit.

And I think something big is about to happen in the Kingdom of God soon and this family is going to be involved. I've never seen or felt so much spiritual warfare going on around me. This family has been under spiritual attack since the beginning. And the more we dig in the more the enemy digs in...

Poor Monica is exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. She spends literally every minute of her day in a care taking mode or studying the word of God. She is weak and weary from giving of herself until there's just no more to give. This morning I pray for Divine healing for my dear wife. I pray for Divine rest.

Father God,

I humbly thank You for my wife. I thank You for my sweet little baby. I thank You for my stepson Connor. I am so tremendously blessed to have such an awesome family I want the whole world to know what a Great God you are...!

Believers are called to pray for each other and to pray for the world. I know that Monica is constantly praying for me, standing in the gap for my spiritual and physical health. She probably prays for me far more than I pray for her, but Father this morning lifting up my wife is my main focus.

You are a God of healing. You are THE Comforter... You have said to many that their faith has healed them. Lord I have Faith. Monica has Faith. We believe in You, Jehovah... You are God most High...! I sing Your praises this morning and worship You my King of Kings...

Lord Jesus I pray in Your holy name to heal my wife. Let her and the baby sleep peacefully the remainder of the morning. Heal her sore throat, Lord. Reduce her fever. Allow her to awaken fully refreshed.

Father God I'm praying for a miracle. And I'm not worried in the least because You are a God of miracles. And I love You, Lord.

I give this day, I give my life to You. Everything about this day I give for Your Glory.

Thank You Lord. Thank You my dear sweet heavenly Father. Thank You for always being there, for always being in control. You are always ready to listen to Your children. You would do anything for Your children, the ones You Love.

Lord I Love my wife and family. I can't believe how much I love them. I would die for them, no question. And I know that Your love is greater than any mortal love. It's really impossible to fully grasp... But that's ok... That's why I'm not God and You are...

Lord I give my wife's health to You. I believe You will heal her. And I am most grateful. Lord I just pray for Monica. I lift her up. I stand in the gap for her. And I pray these things in the healing power of the blood of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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