Monday, January 29, 2007

Proverbs Five, Verses 15-23

The topic of Proverbs Five is adultery and an immoral life-style. Verses 1-14 list and explain the perils of falling into sexual sin. Verses 15-20 exhort a husband to be faithful to his wife. Verse 21 explains why husbands should be faithful, and also just happens to be my memory verse for this Proverb....

....For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and HE ponders all his paths. (vs 21)

God is constantly watching over us, noting our decisions, pondering our plans, and observing our behavior. He is an all knowing, all seeing God. We can not escape His watchful eye.

Verses 22-23 conclude Proverbs Five reminding us that the wicked shall perish.

You know, when I think of the Proverbs, I equate them to a deadly serious heart to heart Father-Son conversation. I can imagine Solomon sitting down with his son pleading with him to follow the Lord and Live a Godly life worthy of honor and full of Grace.

Sadly, my own earthly Father never had any kind of heart to heart talk with me. But I can imagine having having one with Connor and Elijah. Indeed, one day Connor and Elijah may go back and study my prayer journal. I hope so. And I hope that by doing so that they will gain some insight into what kind of man I really was and I hope that they see my hunger and thirst to know and grow closer to my Lord and Savior.

Isn't it crazy that at one point in my young life I absolutely, vehemently was opposed to fatherhood and having children of my own...? Now I see fatherhood as one of God's greatest blessings. I certainly would not be looking at Proverbs from the same perspective if I was an unmarried, child-less man.

God is Great. God is Good... He certainly has a master plan...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

My precious Lord and Savior, Thank You Father for Your warnings about living an immoral life style. Oh I wish I would have known these things in my youth. It's too bad youth is wasted on the young... But Lord. I have learned the hard way. Through trial and error, and painful mistakes. If I only knew then what I know now, I would definitely not have walked all the paths I've walked...

But Father, knowing what I do know uniquely equips me to be a strong witness to the next generation. And Lord I pray for that opportunity to tell my tales and influence others around me for for the Kingdom.

Oh Lord I love You. I pledge my life to You and offer up every aspect of my day today for Your Glory. Help me to be in Your perfect will and to give My Utmost for Your Highest.

Thank You for my precious family. My loving wife, my sweet children and family are such a blessing to me. Lord, You have given me far more than I deserve. I praise You Jesus. And I pray these things in the power of Your Holy name, Amen.

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