Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Proverbs Three: A case study of cause and effect relationships

I remember back when I was a student at Bible College my favorite professor was always stressing to look for cause and effect relationships... '...The Bible's full of them...' he said. Well, as I was studying Proverbs Three this morning I noticed cause and effect relationships jumping all over the place. (Thanks, Dr Jackson...!)

What is a cause and effect relationship...? Well, the 'CAUSE' is what ever action you start with. The 'EFFECT' is what ever happens as a result of your first action.

Here's a pretty simple example:
If you walk out in the rain without an umbrella, -(Cause) you'll get wet. -(Effect)

So, let's just take a look at verses 1-2 this morning:

vs 1: My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; vs 2: for length of days and long life they will add to you.

Quick Review:

Who's doing the talking here...? -Solomon.

Who's he writing or speaking to...? -His Son, Rehoboam (as mentioned in the book of Kings)

What's the cause...? A) Remember the Law, B) Let your heart keep my commands.

Notice part 'B' is not just keep my commands, but let your heart keep my commands. Solomon wasn't just parenting for behavior. He was concerned about the character of his son.

OK, we have the cause. Now what's the effect..? If Rehoboam does what his daddy suggests, what's supposed to happen...? -He'll receive a longer life.

And does anyone know what happened to Rehoboam...? He became king when he was 41 years old, reigned for seventeen years, but only the first five were good and peaceful. (Chronicles 12:2) Afterwards he began turning from the Lord and had a tough time of it for the remainder fourteen years of his life. (Chronicles 12:14-16) He died when he was fifty six.

The history of Solomon is pretty interesting. And, You really need to have a good background of the life of Solomon to understand from what perspective he was writing the Proverbs from. The books of Kings, Kings 2, and Chronicles are among my favorite old testament books because they are so rich with history.

Well that's it for this morning's study. Today I'd like to lift up my brother in Christ, Bob Coburn. Brother Bob is leading a men's ministry bible study at our church. Brother Bob is a great inspiration to me. He reminds me a bit of Solomon. He is wise, has great knowledge, and most importantly he has a heart for reaching out and discipling. Today I want to lift up Brother Bob and his efforts to serve the Lord at First Baptist West Columbia.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, there are some people that You place people into our lives that have such a tremendous impact on us that we are changed forever. I have been blessed in that way on more than one occasion. I thank an praise You for my dear friend 'Glenn' who first witnessed to me over twenty years ago. I thank and praise You for an awesome man of God named 'Steve' who took me under his wing a few years ago and really lit a fire under me. I have had the benefit of studying under Dr Guy Jackson who's instruction has blessed countless disciples. I am married to a Godly woman whom I love and cherish. And Father God now I have the great privilege of serving in Church with Brother Bob and his fine sons.

I thank You Lord for Godly men (and women) with a passion for discipleship. Lord Your great command was for Your people to go out and make disciples of all men. That's just what Brother Bob is doing. That's what Monica is doing.

Lord I'm constantly asking how do I fit in to all this...? I know one thing. You have called me to be a man of prayer. So I'm praying, Lord.

Father God I pray blessings upon brother Bob and his family. Bless his efforts to effect the hearts of men. Lord bless all those who have impacted me in such a way that I have been changed forever.

I love You Lord. And I give today to You my King. I'm leaving today open to just worship You and bring glory and honor to Your precious, holy Name.

And it is in the power, and majesty, and glory of YOUR Name, Jesus Christ that I pray these things,


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