Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Proverbs Two

Proverbs Two mainly stresses the value of Wisdom

Today I'm just going to discuss verses 1 -7. These verses explain how to gain wisdom from God.

Here are the conditions that must be present to gain wisdom:

  • ...if you receive my words....
  • ...if you treasure my commands within you...
  • ...if you incline your ear toward wisdom...
  • ...if you apply your heart to understanding...
  • ...if you seek wisdom as if it were silver...
  • ...if you search for wisdom as if it were hidden treasure...
If you do all these things then the scripture says you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

Let's take a look at the 'action' words of each bullet: receive, treasure, incline, apply, seek, and search. We could go much deeper and examine each word individually, but for now let's just summarize that wisdom is valuable. It is not easy to come by. Wisdom won't just drop in our laps. We've got to work for wisdom.

Memory Verse:

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Prov 2:6

We'll continue to look at this verse some more tomorrow.

Dear Heavenly Father,

My Lord and Savior, Your servant Solomon, wrote a long time ago that if we wanted wisdom that we needed to seek You. We needed to seek Your word. We needed to value it as much as we valued precious treasure, for Your word IS precious treasure, Father.

Lord I want wisdom. I want to live the Godly life You have called me to live. I want to serve You, Lord. Father God, I DO value Your word. I DO consider it more precious than silver or gold. Your word is Truth. Your word is Life.

I love You Lord. I praise Your name in the highest. I want to honor You, my King. I give this day to You, Father. Blessed be Your Name, Jesus.

And I pray these things in Your precious, holy name, Amen.

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