Friday, January 05, 2007

Wrapping Up Proverbs Two

The past few days I've taken a closer look at Proverbs Two. Back on Wednesday we discussed verses 1-6, the value of Wisdom. Yesterday we looked at verses 7-11, which detailed the blessings that come with wisdom and knowledge.

The first part of Verse 12 explains that wisdom will deliver you from the way of evil. Then the latter part of verse 12 through verse 19 go on to describe wickedness and evil individuals, including those who delight in perversity, crookedness, deviousness, and immoral women. Verses 16-19 pay particular attention to the immoral woman and seductress.

Verses 20-22 close Proverbs two and remind us to walk in the way of goodness, keep to the paths of righteousness, and remain upright and blameless because the wicked and unfaithful will be cut off from the earth and uprooted.

I don't know about you, but being cut off and uprooted from the earth sounds like a very negative experience to me. I believe there will be far better consequences resulting from living an upright life and to remain faithful and blameless.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Thank You for the book of Proverbs. I have learned much in these past four days of study. And Lord, the more I read about wisdom and knowledge the more I desire it. I know it's all available to me if my heart is in the right place. So Father I just ask you to continue this work in me. Mold me. Shape me. Conform me in your image, Father.

Bless me to be on the correct path of life and righteousness. I want to walk in the way of goodness, Father.

Lord I humbly seek You. I love and worship You, my King. You are a Good and Awesome God. I dedicate this day to You, Lord. In YOUR honor, for YOUR Glory.

And I pray these things in the POWER of the name of HE who died for my sins and made it possible for me to obtain everlasting life, JESUS CHRIST.


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