Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pray First. Ask Questions Later

Have You ever heard the phrase '...all we can do now is pray...' It's usually said after someone has done everything they know to do to effect a certain result in a given situation. It's a phrase that is many times uttered when a situation looks hopeless. How sad that for many people prayer is the last option on the check list, a last resort.

I wonder how God feels about that...? Does it hurt his feelings...? Probably. Is he happy when a person finally comes to their senses and enlists HIS aid...? Most definitely.

Me...? I'm a paradox. I pray alot. I usually pray as a FIRST resort, not last. But, then I go out and still try to do things under my own power. And where does that get me...? NOWHERE. And what does that get me...? NOTHING.

I'm at my physical limit right now. I'm exhausted all the time. My body is broken down. I'm not meeting deadlines or getting enough things accomplished, I'm a mess.

I'm praying about it. But I'm still on a downward spiral. I know something's not right. I don't think my prayers are making it past the ceiling because of one thing: SIN.

And I think it's the sin of PRIDE. I think I can do it all on my own. Although I pray about it, there must be a disconnect somewhere because I'm definitely not getting any results.

So that leads me to the next question.... Am I in God's will for my life...? Am focusing my time and effort where I need to be...? -I think so...

My wife's got a good idea. She's being still. God doesn't always shout at You. Many times he uses a sill, soft voice. And if you're not still and quiet yourself, you won't hear it. I need to slow down more. 'shrink my court' again. I need to get caught up and stay ahead of the game.

Yes, now there's a plan. And God has got to be at the top of my page, not the bottom.

Dear Heavenly Father, I need some help with my direction. I've got to cut out some activity and get on track. I'm falling apart here. I really need You. I mean REALLY...!

Help me, Lord. Help me rid myself of this stubborn-ness and pride. I really am NOTHING without YOU. Lord I put You at the beginning of the day. You are my compass.

I know You have a perfect plan for my life. I want to be in Your will, Lord. I'm trusting in You. I'm loving You with all my heart mind, soul, and strength. And I give You the credit and Glory for every good and perfect gift that comes my way.

Lord I rest in You. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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