Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day...

Today is a special day that has been set aside to remember and honor those individuals who have given their lives in the service of our country.

I think this is a great institution. Certainly, the gallant servicemen and women of today and from bygone eras deserve to be honored.

I am extremely grateful for those who have come before me and served and protected my freedom and the freedom of my family. While I am very concerned for the future and the situation of the world abroad, I understand that thousands of men and women are placing themselves in harm's way right this very second in the name of the United states of America and our way of life.

The political climate these days in the world is a very complicated one. There are situations and implications going on behind the scenes that I know nothing about, and don't want to know...

I just thank God for America. I stand in the gap in prayer today for my country, and the military of the United States of America and her allies.

Dear Heavenly Father,

God, You are My God. And You are a Good God. You are righteous and holy. I love You Lord. I thank You for my country and the service men and women who stand ready to protect the interests and way of life of America.

Lord, I just pray that America is worthy of good people fighting and giving their lives over. Our Country seems to be rapidly decaying. I see a steady decline in morals, standards, pride, and patriotism. The world is becoming more and more 'worldly'. Everything is about 'Oil', 'Money', 'Power", 'Sex', and other lusts of the flesh.

Sigh... I just pray for peace. I pray for Your will to be done. I pray for my role and my family's role in all this. I know we are called to be in the world but not of it. We are called to be obedient, faithful, and true. We are called to love one another.

I suppose that's my role. That's the role of my family. -To live Godly lives and be Godly witnesses to those around us. My role is to give credit where credit is due. -And that's to You, my Lord. I am nothing apart from You.

On a day set aside to remember our fallen countrymen who have given their lives for my freedom, I also recognize and honor THE ONE who gave HIS LIFE for the ETERNAL FREEDOM of My Soul.

Thank You Father God. And I pray theses things in the power of Your Precious Son's name: Jesus Christ,


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