Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lifting Up My Sweetie and the Boo Boo...

My sweet little Elijah has not been sleeping well and as a consequence mommy and daddy have not been sleeping well either.

Dear Heavenly Father,

It is my God given responsibility to take care of those whom You have entrusted to me. This morning I lift up Monica and Elijah. I pray that they are both able to sleep in this morning and catch up on the rest that they missed last night. I pray for a good day for them today.

Lord, I also want to lift up Connor as he is over halfway through his Mission Trip today. He returns tomorrow. I pray that this has been a life changing experience for him. I pray for my relationship with him. I pray for his relationship with you. I just lift him up today, Father. I pray blessings on Connor.

Father God, I pray for a good day for myself as well. I'm trying hard to take care of myself as well. There has been too much 'busy-ness' in my life for longer than I can remember. That is one of the main ways that the enemy gets to me.

Help me to manage my schedule well. Help me to delegate tasks well. I want to honor You in every way Father, especially with my time.

Lord, You can do all things. Help me to trust you completely and just be obedient to You. There is nothing I want more than to live a life that is totally pleasing to You, my King.

I recognize that NOTHING in this world belongs to me. EVERYTHING I have is by Your Grace. Thank You for my abundant blessings, Lord.

I love you, Father. I give this day to You. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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