Sunday, July 01, 2007

Inspiration For the Game of Life...!

My family became acquainted with the movie 'Facing the Giants' about a month ago at church. The Pastor did an outtake of the movie and commented on all the spiritual ramifications of the scene. It was so compelling that Monica went out and purchased the movie for our family.

I have to say that it is without a doubt the best movie I've ever seen, period.

As a coach who loves God and wants to honor HIM in absolutely everything I do, this movie sums up my coaching philosophy exactly.

To Me, coaching a sport is more than just teaching the fundamentals of that particular sport. And in the movie 'Facing the Giants', Coach Grant Taylor does just that.

All I can say is buy the movie, see the movie, invite your friends and your children's friends to see the movie....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for the movie Facing the Giants. It has impacted me greatly. You are such an awesome God...! I love You Lord. On this Sunday morning I give You thanks and Praise for being the great big God You are.

Father God I lift up Pastors everywhere as they prepare for this morning's service.

I especially lift up Pastor Dave at First Baptist West Columbia and Pastor Cere at Life 4-Square in Angleton. I pray that hearts will be touched and forever changed this morning.

And Lord You know the burdens I'm bearing. Father God I just lay them at Your feet this morning. Thank you for making my load lighter, My King.

I love You, I trust You, I Rest in You my Beloved Savior.

And Lord I pray these things in the power and Might of the Name of Your Precious Son Jesus Christ,


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