Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let It Rain..

We've got a lot of rain here this morning and it's supposed to rain a good portion of the day. On the one hand I could be discouraged because my lessons are being rained out, but on the other hand I can use this time off the court to get better organized...!

I've got to take the positive track. Getting upset and worried over things I can not control is pointless. All things work for good for those who are called to HIS purpose. -I know that I am called to HIS purpose.

And What is HIS Purpose for Sam Chadwell?

1. Grow in Him... Spend time daily in the WORD.
2. Be Obedient... Follow the commandments laid out in HIS WORD.
3. Use My Spiritual Gifts for HIS Glory.
4. Make Disciples of all Men. -Snatch them from the Fire...!

OK, so my attitude is set. My mission is clear. God will help me make up my lost income. My time today will be invested in my fellow man....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I just thank You for being God. Thank You for this life You have given me. I recognize that I am a servant, Lord. And Father I want to serve with the greatest of my ability. Today I give my all for You. Help me in the area of patience with others. Help me to be obedient. Help me to make the best possible use of my time. And Lord I pray that You help me impact this world for You. I recognize that I can do nothing under my own power. It's all about You and through You, Jesus.

Lord I lift up my Family to You today. I lift up the missing mine workers we have been hearing about on television. Father God I consecrate today to be used for Your Glory.

I love You my King, and I pray these things in Your precious son's name, Amen.

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