Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Roots of This Journal...

I've had a fascination with technology for some time now and I began online blogging back nearly five years ago. I started on AOL but moved to after a couple of years. Prior to that I just journaled in spiral paper notebooks for many years. I still have many of those notebooks and they go back as far as 1989...

Periodically I like to go back and review where I had come from. It's very enlightening to go back and revisit my 'roots'.

I remember fondly my very first journal. I started it shortly after I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I called it 'A Christian's Journal'. I feel compelled to go back and read it again, right now. As I get older my memory often fails me and I'm glad that I have these physical memory 'restore points' that I can go back and refer to from time to time.

I hope I have some time this weekend to go back review my thoughts and perspectives on spiritual matters of eighteen years ago. It will be interesting to see how much I have grown (or not grown) over time. I've definitely traveled a good distance spiritually since those days as a 'Baby Christian'. But I know I've still got a long way to go in the maturing of my faith and knowledge of scripture. And I know that some of the same things that hinder me now have been hindering me since the beginning.

This blog: Coach Sam's Prayer Journal is really my modern day sounding board. This blog is a record of my conscience. This blog is a chronicle of prayer requests and answered prayer. The fact that I make this blog public reflects the fact that I want to be transparent to those around me. In the bible we are commissioned to go forth and spread the Good News to the Ends of the Earth... The blog is my testament of faith. It is my witness.

I pray earnestly before each journal entry post and I just chronicle what the Good Lord lays on my heart and conscience every day. Several things are stirring in me right now.

I've been writing a lot lately about my spiritual struggles. Oh they are so very real. My prayer today is for God's Grace. It is for God's Mercy. My prayer this morning is for God's blessings for myself, my family, and all those within my sphere of influence.

Lord God, thank You for the work You have begun in me. I pray You will be faithful to that work until completion. I am wet clay, Lord. I am ripe for Your molding. Father God I love You. I rest in You. I trust in You, my King. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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