Monday, August 06, 2007

We Live Our Lives With Our Days Numbered...

Pastor Cere preached with a sense of urgency yesterday morning. Of course, he always does. And I love his style of preaching. I've never observed someone preaching with more passion and conviction. One of his main scripture references yesterday was Luke 14:23...

Go out and compel people to come in....that My house might be filled...!

In this scripture Jesus is telling the apostles to go and evangelize. -And so we must do the same.





Luke 14: 12-14 says ...Humble yourselves and focus on the needy...-Commit everything you have to go get them...

That is our mission. Our Church is a Rescue Ship, not a Pleasure Cruise...! Life Church is equipping us to snatch the lost right out of the fire.

We've got a job to do... Let's be First Responders...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the work You are doing in me right now. Help me to be more bold in sharing my faith. I'm realizing that is Your calling for me. I'm realizing that it's probably not crucial exactly what I do for a living. But it is crucial that I live a life of FAITH no matter what I do. Oh Father God I do want to be obedient to You. I want to hold every thought captive. I want to serve You, Lord. I want to be in the center of Your will at all times.

I love You, Lord. And I give this day to You. Help me to be organized. Help me to make the most of my time. Time is precious. There is an Urgency in the air. People are perishing. -And there are no 'mere mortals'. Everyone is either an eternal splendor or an eternal horror.

Oh Lord, I fall down at the foot of Your cross this morning. I humble myself before You. Lift me up Father. Lift my family up, Father. Bless us and enable us to be a blessing to others.

Lord I love You and I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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