Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Lord is with You, Oh Valiant Warrior...! Judges 6:12

Pastor Cere spoke about the legend of the 300 this past Sunday. In my personal studies this weekend I've been reading Judges chapter 6 and 7 over and over trying to get more background about Gideon. I find Gideon's call both interesting and inspiring and I see many parallels in the Gideon story and my own story.

First of all, chapter 6 opens with the statement of how wicked the Israelite's were and that God delivered them to the Midianites for seven years. They were lost in Sin. -And God disciplined them through the oppression of the foreign invaders. They cried out to God for help and he sent them a prophet, Gideon.

Now the Lord sent an Angel to Gideon to give him his call to service. Gideon was skeptical But the Lord persisted. Gideon did not feel worthy that he could accept his call. He did not believe in himself. But the Angel was firm in his encouragement of Gideon. Gideon asked for signs from the angel that he was legitimate and the Angel provided signs.

Gideon was convinced.

I see many parallels in this story to what is going on in my own life right now. I don't know if it's fair to say that I have been 'wicked', but since accepting Christ back in 1986 I know I haven't really grown in the spirit like I could have and should have. And yes, there have been many times that I have not been walking closely with the Lord.

But lately, I have most definitely been feeling a call to step up my service to the Lord. Monica has felt a call, too. God has been working in both of us in a powerful way these past few years. Right now we're both at the 'asking for signs' stage in our story and are waiting patiently on the Lord's revelation to us. It seems that the more spirit filled we become then the more the enemy oppresses us. But Praise the Lord that in Him we are stronger than the forces that oppose us...!

Being led to Life Church of Angleton is no accident, that's for sure. I know God is in control and everything is unfolding as it is supposed to. God is God and I am not. I will trust in the Lord.

God told Gideon that Gideon was a Valiant Warrior...! And God assured Gideon that He was with him. I think in the context of Life church that Cere is our Gideon, and Monica and I are part of the 300. But in our own sphere's of influence, We are the Gideons to our own 300's.

Monica and I are Valiant Warriors. And Connor and Elijah will be, too...! It's our task to train them up...! That much is clear.

But we are facing some very difficult life circumstances right now. And we can't see a clear direction for our life's path. We are waiting on the Lord. We are praying. We are trying to be faithful and obedient. We are trying to be patient. Oh Lord, Give us Strength...!

If anyone reading this post today is moved by these words, I ask for your prayers for my family. We could use some prayer and encouragement right now. We just want to be in the center of God's will and to grow in Him and impact the world around us for the Kingdom...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God You are a Mighty God. You are Powerful. You are Wonderful and Glorious. You are my Lord and Savior. You are my King. I bow down and worship You this morning. Lord God I love You. I am Your humble servant. Lord I ask You this morning how can I serve you better..? What are You trying to show me right now in the midst of these struggles in my life?

Lord show me some clear direction with my career path. I'm open to whatever You have in mind. Father God, You promised to meet our needs and I know You will. And I thank You and praise You for being so faithful. I am already blessed. I have a beautiful, wonderful, caring loving, supportive wife. I have a family, house, car. I have the 'American Dream'. But Lord all that pales in comparison to the gift of everlasting life provided for me through Jesus' sacrifice.

Thank You Lord for sending Your son to save the world. Father I pledge my life in service to You in honor of Your son who gave His Everything for me.

Thank You, Jesus. And I pray these things in Your precious holy name, Amen.

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