Monday, September 03, 2007

The 'Stuff' Legends Are Made Of... Gideon's Army

Pastor Cere preached a very compelling sermon yesterday morning. (Doesn't he always..?)

He opened up by speaking about 'Fealty'. I wasn't very familiar with that term. But he explained it was a combination of faithfulness and loyalty.

[fealty \FEE-uhl-tee\, noun:1. Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord.2. The oath by which this obligation was assumed.3. Fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.]

Next, he went on to tell the story of Gideon's 300. This story can be found in Judges 7.

Basically, Gideon took 300 Warriors and with God's help they defeated a force of foreign invaders who out numbered them about over 400 to 1. The theme of the story is that God is in the miracle business and if you have the 'mindset' of God then anything is possible.

Pastor Cere is taking us through the next eight weeks of 'the 300' series discussing the attributes of the 300 Warriors who stood with Gideon. Cere challenged each and every one of us in the congregation to have the kind of fealty to the Lord that Gideon's Army had and to stand firm and to transform our community for the Kingdom of the Lord.

I'm Pumped. I'm Psyched. I can hardly wait for next week's sermon...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for another week to serve You. Thank you for another day in this precious life You have given me. Lord Thank You for Pastor Cere, Life Church, and the body of believers You have brought us to. It is definitely my prayer that we are anointed to go out and transform and claim our community for YOU.

Father God, thank You for a nice family day yesterday. You are truly an awesome God.

Lord I do lift up the friends and family of a former student of mine: Steve Kovach. Apparently Steve passed away this past weekend. I especially lift up Steve's wife Roberta. Steve was a dear sweet man who will be greatly missed by many. I never had an opportunity to discuss spiritual matters with Steve and I wish I had. I'm sure that he is with You right this very second, Lord.

Thank You for allowing our paths to cross. Lord help me to make more of encounters with men like Steve and couples like Steve and Roberta. There are no 'chance' encounters out there. There are no 'mere' mortals. And every soul is either an eternal splendor or an eternal horror.

Father God help me to make the most of my connections and my Divine Appointments. Everyone I encounter may have some wisdom to impart on me or I may have some wisdom to impart to them. It's always going to be one or the other. How many blessings have I missed because I failed to engage or be engaged..?

Lord help me.

Show me how I can be used by You and then use me!

Father God I love You and thank You and praise You for Your glory. All the 'stuff' of Legends comes from You, my King.

I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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