Friday, September 21, 2007

God is Good...

Wow, what a difference a week makes... This time last week I was praising God, but it was praising God within a Storm.

Last week the storm clouds cleared.

I believe that God monitors our attitude. And I definitely believe that we should praise God in good times and challenging times. God rewards faithfulness and obedience.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I know You don't care for lengthy, puffed up prayers. Today Father I simply thank You for blessing me with a lovely, sweet wife and great kids. I thank You for a career that I really enjoy and I thank You for all the ministry opportunities that come my way each and every day.

Lord I thank You for the Grace, Mercy, and the Patience You have with me on a daily basis and I only ask that You give me a measure of that Grace, Mercy, and Patience for all the encounters in my day as well.

I love You, my King. I humbly thank You for my many blessings. You are an Awesome God. Show me Lord how I can better serve You. I want to honor You with my life.

Father God I pray these things in the power of Jesus' Name, Amen.

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