Thursday, September 13, 2007

God is in Control...

Yesterday evening the forecast for today predicted an 80 % chance of rain because a Tropical Storm was making it's way in our direction. Since our financial situation dictates that I really need to bring in income every day right now, the thought of a second day of rain in a row did not sit well with me since Thursdays are one of my busiest teaching days.

My prayer as I drifted off to sleep last night was that I would make the best use of today no matter what the weather, but I was prepared for another 'office' day today.

Well I have to give praises this morning because the storm changed directions over night and is heading east now and it looks like we will not have any rain today what so ever. -Praise Be To God...! Honestly, I'm learning more and more to not believe anything the weather man says any more.

So now obviously I'm in a very good mood this morning because the Lord is giving me a beautiful day to teach and I will no doubt have a lot of new students... Yea...! I serve a Good and Mighty God...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are Good and Your Mercy Endures Forever...! Thank You Father for providing a good day for me to work and earn income to enable me to take care of my family. There really is nothing that You can't do. And Lord YOU ARE FAITHFUL to those who honor You.

Father God I am grateful for every blessing. Every good and perfect gift comes from YOU. Lord You are Perfect...! And I recognize Your Greatness and how wonderfully I have been blessed.

Lord thank You for my precious family. I cherish them. I thank You for Life Church and how it's changing my life. Father I thank You for the many challenges I'm facing right now. While it's not fun going through some of them I realize that their purpose is to draw me into a closer personal relationship with You Lord and the bigger the difficulty or challenge then the better You're going to look when it's all worked out. YOU Get the Glory, Lord.

I recognize that this is ALL YOU, Lord. Life is all about You. YOU are in control. YOU are the God of my finances, Lord. I will trust You and honor You with my money. You are Lord of my Life.

Father I give this day to You. I pray belessings upon those in the storm's path because surely as I wasn't prepared for a dry day, others were probably not prepared for a wet, windy day... I pray blessings on my students and my lessons today, Lord. Let me present a strong witness for You, my King...! I Love You Jesus and I pray these things in Your Most Holy Name, AMEN.

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