Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Man God Uses...

This morning I awakened early and just laid in bed praying. I thanked God for helping Monica and I host a very successful Home school Activity Camp. I thanked God for my health. I definitely feel better today after a week of battling a sore throat and generally feeling 'bad'...

I've been thinking a lot about lately about God's purpose for my life and the direction in which I am to lead my family. It seems God's really opening a door of opportunity to minister to our local home school community. But I sense God pushing me out of my comfort zone more and more to face other difficult relationships and circumstances.

You see, I really hate conflict. But conflict seems to come knocking all the time. But when I think about the great heroes of the bible I'm hard pressed to come up with anyone who lived a conflict-free life. In the great cosmic battle of good versus evil there will always be conflict.

Who's to say that God will not ultimately use Sam or Monica Chadwell in much the same way he used King David or Esther back hundreds of years ago...? I mean, they both came from humble beginnings and look at what they were able to accomplish through faithfulness and with God's anointing....

Who's to say God will not use whoever reads this post today in a mighty way...? Perhaps HE already is...

As Pastor Cere said the other day in church... 'God's still writing the history of the bible...!' It's amazing to think that You and I might be starring in the final chapter of the Greatest Story ever written, but that's the train of my thinking this morning.

We are God's creation. We were created to join into a close personal relationship with Him. The power is within each and everyone of us to be Mighty Warriors and Ambassadors for Christ.

-I'm speaking about the power of the Holy Spirit that in dwells each and every Believer.

I'm not quite sure of the exact details of my future. But I am a whole lot more sure of my direction and the direction of my family in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

We will love, serve, and follow the Lord... That's the course of our lives...!

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