Saturday, October 13, 2007

On Solid Ground

I love the lyrics from the old Hymn THE SOLID ROCK:

'On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...' It was written by William B Bradbury in 1836.

Think about it. If You are in Christ, You are STRONG. If you ARE NOT in Christ, who or what can save you...? -Nobody, Nothing.

I feel weak much of the time, but when I remember and recite those lyrics I get a little lift. I am very thankful to William Bradbury. His legacy from over 170 years ago still touches hearts today!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for this weekend, for beautiful weather, and for an awesome life. Thank You Father for your patience with me. Thank You for Your Love and Your Generous Blessings. I know that to those who much has been given them much is expected in return and Father God I give it all back to You. I surrender my life to You my King.

You died for my sake and now I die each day to You my Lord and Savior. I love You Lord. I lift Your Name on High... I Praise You Father.

I offer to today up for Your Glory, Lord. I hold every thought captive. Every word, every action will all be in honor of You, Jesus. I am nothing without You, Lord. My hope rests in You, my Solid Rock.

I pray in Jesus' Name, AMEN.

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