Friday, October 05, 2007

Swiftness of Days...

Is it just me or does it seem that to me is speeding up...? Is it some type of phenomenon that as you get older the days, weeks, months, and years seem to pick up pace...?

It seemed that I turned around and September 2007 was behind me. I just blinked and it's already October 5. I guess that's a product of being too busy... But what can I cut out of my life to make things slow down? I honestly don't know.

Right now there seems to be an enormous amount of stuff to get done. And it's difficult sometimes to even prioritize it... Of course I know that my time with God comes first. And I'm actually feeling prompting from the Holy Spirit to spend MORE time in the Word... Something's got to give.

Oh well... Those are my thoughts this morning...

Today is Friday. The day I reserve for extra praise and worship and thanks.

I had an excellent turnout for my home school tennis program yesterday. God is most definitely blessing me with a great opportunity to impact many lives in a positive way every week and for that I am very grateful.

The past few days I haven't had very much interaction with Connor, but at least the correspondence we have had was not negative or confrontational. That's Good...! I desperately want that relationship to go well. My dear wife has been a bit overwhelmed lately with caring for the family and keeping up with everything else. I am very much want to help lighten her load. She is such a great blessing to me I can not thank God enough for bringing us together.

Today my feet don't hurt so bad. And that's a good thing... Normally Fridays are my worst days for sore feet because I teach so long on Thursdays. Praise God for my health. I'm losing weight for good this time....!

Dear Heavenly Father, I only listed a few of the many blessings that I am eternally grateful for, Thank You so much my Lord and King. You have blessed me abundantly beyond what I deserve. In this world of dis-satisfaction where everyone wants more and something that they don't have, I am content. I've got more than I'll ever need. I just want to live life to the fullest and proclaim Your Glory to everyone I encounter.

Lord I love You. You are an awesome God. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, AMEN.

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