Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday Morning Prayer.. How I'm Feeling today...

Some thing's going on inside of me... I've been unable to sleep well. I've had difficulty writing. I've really been unable to function, period. It's some sort of spiritual dryness that's overtaken me.

Meanwhile, my wife is absolutely on fire with the Holy Spirit. Our Pastors at church are on fire.

Me, I'm not. I know from Dr Stanley's teachings that we Christians are not supposed to trust our feelings. We are supposed to trust the WORD of God and HIS promises.

God has promised so many things. And he has already come through for me many times in my past. He is coming through right now and he undoubtedly will come through later on, too.

So, what's my problem...? I guess it's that I just can't get a true sense of God's direction for my life. I have several relationship issues with people around me. My heart is not where it should be regarding certain people and topics.

I think God is saying take care of these things before I show you anything else... I think God is saying that He can't use me until I take care of these things. God may not even be listening to me any more until I get my heart right... (I hope that's not the case...)

Dear God,

Lord I know You are probably disappointed in me right now. I have had negative thoughts and attitudes in regard to some relationships in my life. I know I need to right those wrongs. I am truly sorry for the way I have acted and the things I have said. I am certainly sorry for the things I have thought. I know that all sins begin as a thought....

Lord, I am going to try my best to right those wrongs and seek forgiveness from those whom I have harbored ill feelings towards. As far as I am concerned I will live in peace with those around me from here on out.

Father God, help me. Clean out my heart of all the negativism. Let You grace flow in abundance through me. Change me, Lord. And let others see that change. 'Let my life song sing to You'. as the poplar song by Casting Crowns says....

Father I love You. I want my life to Glorify you, Lord. It hasn't lately. But all that can change right now. Right this instant. Father I can't do this on my own. It's only through You, Jesus.

You are the ONLY WAY. So I rest in You, my King. Thank you Lord for being God. Thank You for my many blessings.

Lord I lift up our church Pastors this morning. I lift up the volunteers. I pray for the visitors today to our church, especially the unsaved. Lord I pray for people like me who have been rendered ineffective for a period of time.

I pray for my family and friends and everyone within my sphere of influence. Lift them up Lord. Bless them. And I humbly pray these things in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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