Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Acts 18:10

"I have much people in this city."—Acts 18:10

This verse was the basis for Spurgeon's devotional this morning. Spurgeon is quoted as saying that he tried to use lesser known scriptures for his devotionals in the hopes that it would 'peek the readers interest' to go to the WORD to read more of the passage to derive the context of the verse.

I did just that this morning and found that Acts 18 is a story from the life of the Apostle Paul. The verse is actually taken from a conversation Paul had with God when God appeared and spoke to him at night during a dream.

God told Paul to not fear bodily harm and encouraged him to be very bold in his witnessing efforts. God went on to tell Paul that he had many allies that he did not even know about. ('allies' referring to much people in this city...)

Spurgeon in turn encourages Believers to also be bold in their own witnessing efforts. He reminds us that God has called us in the same way that Paul was called. Spurgeon also reminds us that Jesus is praying to God the Father for both the missionaries (you and I) and the unsaved to whom we are delivering the message.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord thank You for this morning's study. I am so grateful for my daily spiritual nourishment and encouragement. Thank You for the teaching of Charles Spurgeon. I am being stretched daily by keen insights laid down by one of Your greatest servants ever..

Lord there is much on my heart this morning. You know what these pressing issues are, my King. I'm not worrying. I'm not stressing. I'm just going to seek You and Your will for my life and the lives of my family like never before. Father God you have always come through for me and this time will be no different. I know You want me to be more bold in my witnessing... I'm just trying to figure out the details....!

I love You Lord and want to honor You with my every action today. I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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