Monday, December 03, 2007

Amazing Love

I've started a new routine of weekly devotionals with my stepson, Connor. We are using Charles Spurgeon's Morning Devotional for our study. This morning Spurgeon used Song of Solomon 4:7 as the basis for the daily lesson. That verse is part of the dialog between a groom and his bride. It describes how the groom views his beloved bride. He states:

'There is no spot in thee...' -Meaning he sees his bride as perfect, without blemish. A believer's relationship to Christ is much like a bride-groom relationship. -I've heard that before but did not understand it as clearly as I do now...

A bride gives herself to the groom, her husband. The parallel is that when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior then we are in essence 'giving' ourselves to HIM.

A person really needs to be married to fully understand the implications of that statement. Honestly, I'm only drawing that conclusion just now, (today) at how much my relationship with Christ is like a marriage. And not just a good marriage, but a GREAT marriage!

I thank God that I have been blessed with a GREAT marriage to my sweet Monica... I certainly see no spot in her... And I love her so much that even if there was a 'spot', it wouldn't matter to me because of how much I love her...

Spurgeon made it clear today that our Lord and Savior loves us in the same way.

Wow... I'm really coming to understand the love of Our Savior more clearly than ever before.

He loves us with the love of a father AND a husband. I would never have come the same understanding had I never married Monica. And of course without her there would be no Elijah or Connor...!


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for opening up my eyes a little more this morning. I'm just in awe of you, my King. Your love is truly amazing... Thank You for all the blessings in my life. I don't take a single one of them for granted.

Lord I want to live for You and to honor you in everything I say, do, and even think...! Praise You, Jesus. Praise Your Name on High...! You are Glorious and Wonderful...!

I love You and pray these things in Jesus' name,


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