Thursday, February 07, 2008


Dr Stanley's Devotional this morning discusses obedience. He uses the story of Abraham being willing to sacrifice his Son, Isaac. I've often thought about that scenario, of Abraham willingly sacrificing his only son. Wow. That's obedience. Of course, God spared Isaac in the end, and that’s an important data point for us now. But Abraham did not know for sure Isaac would be spared until the last second. This fact makes his act of faith and trust all the more remarkable.

In trying to apply the principles of that story to my own life, the only conclusion I can come to right now is that I don't know God as well as Abraham did. Although I proclaim to love and trust God, I seriously doubt that I could follow through with sacrificing my own son. I would rather take my own life before I would sacrifice Elijah.

Of course, I think that the chance of God ever asking that much of a sacrifice from me is very remote. But if he did, would I refuse HIM or would I agree to it and have 'Abrahamic faith' that a ram would come along?

Dr Charles Stanley says the story of Abraham and Isaac illustrates two trains of thought:

1. Obedience often collides with reason.

2. Obedience means leaving the consequences to God.

I understand what Dr Stanley is saying, but still struggle greatly with the hypothetical possibility of giving up my son. In that way, I'm really placing Elijah before God, aren't I...? Does anyone else out there struggle with loving their family more than God...?

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