Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Recap..

Something happened to me this Easter. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me the urgent need to radically change my life. Memories of my mom, Connor's dad, and Gerald Meyerdirk all really flooded my consciousness this week. A friend from church remarked to me: 'Sammy, you just never know when your time on earth is up...'

That statement is so true. Today God might call me home. Am I ready right this moment...? Well, I am at peace with God, but I feel I have much left to do with my life. The question is, WHEN am I really going to begin impacting the Kingdom in a significant way?

The answer is NOW...!

And I have to start with some life changes. What are those life changes going to be? I don't know for sure.

All I want to do at the moment is make my life as simple as possible. It's way too cluttered and complicated right now. I have got to prune away unproductive activities and I want to spend every spare moment in prayer, the study of God's word, and serving HIM. I want to instill the love I have for my savior in those all around me, especially Connor and Elijah. They are my chief concern and priority, along with my precious wife...!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord for being such a real, vibrant, living presence in my life. Lord You are Wonderful. Lord You are Marvelous. You are Lord of All. Father God, I love You. I rededicate my life to You today Lord and pray that You renew my spirit. Speak to me, lead me, guide me Lord.

Help me to get organized and stay organized. Lord, I especially need help in the area of time management. I'm praying today that You help me to identify a few people who will be able to help me get caught up. on the many projects that are bogging me down.

Lord, You are well aware of my financial condition and my employment status. If it is Your will that I stay in coaching full time then please orchestrate events and circumstances to where my wife and I are able to pay our bills on time and make ends meet. If I am to get a 'regular' job and only teach tennis part time for supplemental income then I pray for that opportunity to come swiftly.

Lord, I want to be in Your will. I want to follow You every step of my day. I want to honor You, Lord. Father I pray for Your blessings this morning. Hear this cry from Your humble servant.

I lift up my family to You, especially my dear sweet precious wife. Thank You for her presence in my life. I have never met anyone like her. She is a great blessing and source of inspiration to not only myself and this family, but many others, too! Lord I ask that You Bless Monica., today.

And I pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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